Sunday, May 29, 2011

Grade 6 Reflection

This year in grade six the piece of work that I feel I did best was project that we did on the ancient rome. I am proud of this work because I feel for once that I put in my one hundred percent effort. Generally I put in 95-99 percent effort so I put a lot of effort and make sure that it is great and follows the expectations and exceeds a little. For this project on the other hand one of my partners was absent so I had to try my hardest to make up work for my partner. And I have to say it was my best piece of work.

I would have to say that the greatest challenge this year was the end of year India, China, Greece, Rome project. This project was by far the most difficult project not because of the actual work requirements but because of the absence of one of my partners. Originally we were going to work individually on our three projects but working alone didn't really work so we flipped our assignments and worked on each others work so when it came time to record and learn music/scripts one of our partners, Mao called in sick so originally we tried to avoid recording so we did everything else possible. One day before the project was due we just recorded the script and put it into our I-movie. One the day of the presentation however Mao actually came back so we had to quickly teach her the song that we had to present and it was rushed, but in the end all went well. Sort of.

This year from looking and rethinking about previous classes I have learned that I tend to only use visuals to learn. That makes me a visual learner of course. Any way during a class where we are goofing off and the class work is easy I still mostly use my sight but I also use my hearing more. On the other hand, when I feel that the class is really boring I just stop listening and look up at the board to review or to clarify. This same thing occurs when I really don't understand something or feel we are going to fast. I panic inside (I rarely show that I'm confused or panicking), I shut off all of my listening and I jump to visuals to try and clarify. So my goal for this coming year is to try and use a bit more auditory.

I feel that this year in grade six my behavior was pretty good. I almost always do my work in class, I try to stay focused while at the same time have a bit of fun, and I usually find myself helping others or trying to calm things down if it gets a bit to wild. So I don't think behavior will be a problem next year.

In class I participate averagely. Though I find myself more interested in what others have to say than what I do so I generally like to sit back and listen to explanations. The only times that I'm eager to participate is when somebody gets something wrong along with others and I feel strongly about my answer. One thing about me that I think is really important to know about me is sort of categorized with this topic. As a person I really don't like to get attention drawn to me. Good, Bad, I just hate it all. I would prefer to just stay in the background doing my own thing with my friends rather than have the spotlight.

Now organization I need to work on. Usually my locker is just a huge pile of junk that I never had time to throw away. I mean I almost always have my homework with me in class along with my books and supplies but small objects such as pencils or erasers I lose a lot so my goal for next year is to be way more organized.

Now as I explained earlier, I will always reach to be better than average or better than what is required. But I generally don't put everything I have into it. I usually put 95-99 percent effort into my work to make it better than what is required but I almost never truly make it the best paper in the world. I know I can do it. I just don't depending on the importance I feel in the project. So next year I am going to always put in my one hundred percent effort because I think if I tried I could have done a better job this year and I've only gotten one B all year in drama but that I did put my full effort into. I just wasn't that good.

Now that I've made a few goals of my own for next year I would like you to know a few personal things about me. The biggest thing about me that some people think that I should change is my personality. I am more of a fun loving kid and don't take things that seriously. When people start arguing I always try to put an end to it with a joke or just plain telling them, "Come on guys. Be nice." I hate yelling but there is one flaw that I hate in my kindness. When somebody comes up to me and tries to hurt me or does hurt me I don't ever, and I mean EVER, fight back.

I just stand there and take a few hits before they give up and walk away. I don't yell at them, punch or kick back. I just tell them to behave themselves and that beating people up isn't what others are supposed to do. If I wanted to, I know that I could easily beat them up. Or inflict enough pain for them to give up and walk away. Because for my grade, I'm pretty strong, but when I think about it I always get the feeling that it's the wrong thing to do. So instead I just embrace for the next hit. In the end they don't get a fight and give up and I'm always still standing. I'm not sure if I should fight back because it feels wrong to me, or if I should remain the same because after the first time they usually leave me alone.

That only one little problem though in this huge life. Sides, It's best not to look back at the past, or even wait for the future, It's best to enjoy now because you'll never get to live it over again so enjoy it. Sides I enjoy everyday. So I don't have to look forward to grade seven. I know I'll enjoy it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The tittle of this book is called Rotten Romans by Terry Deary.

This book mainly informs the reader on the ancient life and politics of ancient rome. This book will make a lot of connections to the world right now if you come from the U.S.A.. It makes you think about how we do things today and it shows how much the Roman culture influenced moddern day life. This book personally challanged me as a reader because every now and then will use some words that I had to look up in a dictionary. Along with a few hard to understand words and phrases, you really need to watch out for lame jokes in the book. If you read a joke and don't get it reread the passage and think like one of the evil emperors of rome you might just get the joke. (No you won't, it took me ten times just to figure out one joke.)

Note: Do not read this book if you have a bad sense of humor or think that history is boring. Fair warning, some jokes in the book will leave scars in your mind and no matter how hard you try you wont be able to forget them. Enjoy!