Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I Remember

  1. I remember when I was two I kept repeatedly poking my sister in the face.
  2. I remember when I was three I dropped a plastic table on my head pretending to be superman.
  3. I remember when I was four I was driving a golf cart and ran it through a flower garden.
  4. I remember when I was five I was riding a skate board, fell off, and got a huge cut.
  5. I remember when I was six I was riding a skate board and opened the cut again.
  6. I remember when I was seven I won second in the Heart of Texas Wrestling Tournament.
  7. I remember when I was eight was riding a skate board and opened the cut a third time.
  8. I remember when I was nine we moved from Houston to Malaysia on New Years day.
  9. I remember when I was ten I went to my first F1 race.
  10. I remember last year when I went on Malaysia week and my raft capsized.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Classic Greek Myths

Today we watched three short films on Greek myths. The first was about a boy who's father was a great inventor, yet he himself was a really clumsy kid. The second movie was about the Minotaur and how every seven years they send people to an island as a sacrifice to the Minotaur. Finally the third film was about a king who wanted a son so he went to the oracle. The Oracle told him that his daughter would have a son. He would kill him so he threw his daughter and her son off a cliff.

In my opinion the third film was the best. It had a better description of what was going on, the story line related to the topic of the Greek gods and Titans, and finally it made you think, "What would have happened if the father had not thrown his daughter and her son into the sea?"