Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Opportunity for the Disabled

In South Africa there are 1704 disabled children. These children are looked down upon and not given equal educational opportunity.  However, there is one disabled girl who fights for these children. The girl’s name is Chaeli Mycroft. Chaeli was born with a disease called Cerebral Palsy, which limits the movements in her limbs. Because of this, and the educational discrimination towards disabled children like herself, Chaeli is fighting for hope and fair opportunity for disabled children in South Africa.

Chaeli is fighting for hope for disabled children in South Africa. Her friends and herself started to save up for a wheelchair when she was nine so she could move around. In the end they found out that they raised more than enough money for the wheelchair, so Chaeli decided to help others with the extra money. Ever since, Chaeli has been helping other disabled children get what they need, this sparked the idea for the Chaeli Campaign. The Chaeli Campaign is an organization that goes around to disabled centers and helps other children by getting them the resources that they require. The program also provides counseling with the message that disabled children are no different than normal children. This gives the children a fresh look on their lives and a renewed sense of hope.

        Chaeli is also fighting for opportunity for disabled children. Chaeli’s organization, the Chaeli Campaign, fights against educational discrimination in South Africa. This is because where Chaeli is from, disabled children are looked down upon and not given the same school opportunities, if any at all. Chaeli doesn’t believe that educational discrimination is right, so she stands up against it. She fights not with words, but with actions. Everyday Chaeli stands up to discrimination by going to a normal school with everyone else. She needs help going up and down stairs, but she still goes to the same classes as normal kids her age and learns the same things as the other kids. Chaeli helps other kids like herself get the education that they need through her campaign. She believes that we should all be given the same opportunities no matter what our race or ability.

Chaeli may have been looked down upon at a time, but now Chaeli and her cause are known internationally. Chaeli has provided hope and opportunity for disabled children everywhere in South Africa and she should be regarded as a true role model for humanity.


"KidsRights." 1 Nov. 2012 <>

"Childrenspeaceprize: Childrenspeaceprize powered by KidsRights." 2006. 1 Nov. 2012 <>

"Children's Peace Prize winner Chaeli Mycroft in South ... - YouTube." 2012. 1 Nov. 2012 <>