Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Who I would rather be

     If I had to be a archaeologist, a historian, or a geographer, I would choose to be an archaeologist. I would rather be an archaeologist because they actually get to go to different places in the world and dig up things that haven't been discovered yet. They also learn about history so they also get to do the job of a historian. I would also choose to be an archaeologist because I am a more hands on person and would rather discover new things and study what I found rather than just study books in a classroom or a museum. If I ever did become an archaeologist the first place I would dig in would be Egypt. I would chose Egypt because the Egyptians had a lot of pyramids and tombs. I would be likely to find something quickly. I would also want to go to Egypt because I am curious to learn how they lived and what they believed in. 

Pictures: htpp://

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

About me!

Hi my name is Victor I am from Slidell Louisiana, U.S.A. I am from the U.S. but me and my family are actually Mexican! My mom and dad are from El paso and my sister is from Houston. Those places are in Texas not in Louisiana. Below are some things about my favorite sports, my favorite book. Adjectives that I think describe me and me academic goal. I hope you enjoy reading about me!

I really like to play sports. My favorite sports are Baseball, Basketball, and Wrestling. Many of you might be thinking about that fake wrestling that they show on TV, but the kind of wrestling I do is the kind you would see in the Olympics. One time I went to a state wrestling tournament. In this tournament all the kids of Texas would compete against people their own weight and the top three would get a gold, silver, or bronze medal. Out of all the kids I got second so I took the silver medal.

My favorite book is Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian by Rick Riordan. The book is about a boy named Percy Jackson. In the books the Greek gods go into war with the Titans. They go into war because the Titans want to regain power over the gods and kill there children. So Percy tries to put a stop to this by defeating the Titans. If you want to know the ending then I will leave it to you to read the book. Those of you who are reading this blog, I recommend you read this book.

I think these adjectives describe me. The first two are kind and caring because if someone needs help I will help them and not just ignore them. I think I am kind and caring because because just recently my friend got hurt so I went over to make sure that my friend was okay. I didn't have to help that person, but I chose to do it out of my own free will. Finally the third adjective is Athletic. I think I'm athletic because I do a lot of sports and I am good at a lot of them. In sports I usually lead the teams and I teach them when they do something wrong. When I teach them I do it in a nice way that will make sure that they know what to do next time the situation pops up.

This year as an Academic goal I want to be an all A student. To do that I will  make sure that I am on time for all of my classes and pay good attention  in my classes. Another goal I have is to make more friends because last year I only really had four to five people I could call my friend.

So that is a little about me. I hope that you learned something interesting. Bye!