Thursday, September 2, 2010

What do artifacts tell us about early humans lifes?

Artifacts can tell a lot about early humans lives, like what they did, how they lived or memories that they had. The main thing that tells us how the early humans lived is their art work.

To know how they did their art first we need to know what are the tools that they used. Here is a list of the tools and the way I think the early humans might have used them. The tools are rocks of different colors that could be used to draw either thick or thin lines, berries that could be used for color in art, and a flat rock that is probably the paint brush for the berries. We have learned from these tools that the early humans knew how to use art. This is actually what the tools were actually used for. The rocks are actually for grinding in to minerals. Then the minerals are mixed with animal fat to make different colors for the art work, And the flat rock is actually a sculpting tool.

An example of a piece of art that describes how the early humans lived is a cave painting of animals. In the picture there is a bull in the center and there are horses all around the bull. This might be a painting to help the early humans remember where a good place to hunt is. It could also be to help them remember a hunt that they went on. What scientist think the painting is actually drawn for worshiping spirits. They also believe that the painting was also to capture spirits of the animals that they drew. Finally the scientist believe that the picture was used in a ritual of ceremony. All of this proves that the early humans believed in spirits.

Finally a piece of art that the early humans made that I think describes the early humans is their clay sculptures. Their clay sculpture are made out of clay and when you look at it it looks like it is wet. I think that it may be used as a child's toy back then. I thought it was a toy but scientist think that it is used for a becoming of age ceremony. scientist also think that it may be to show which clan owned the cave. This proves that the early humans lived in clans and groups.

As you see here art can tell us a lot about how people lived. Even though art tells us a lot about early humans there is still many more things that we don't know. So one day I hope we finally figure out all there is to know about early humans.  

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