Thursday, November 18, 2010

Working with a partner on Literature Discussions.

Literature Discussions working with a partner benefits us because we get to help each if we need help. Also working together helps fix spelling and grammar mistakes because if we go over it and don't catch it then our partner will. Also it helps us make up better questions because if you take somebody's idea and add on to it then the idea will be better than the original so together we will make better questions.

Challenges that we faced this week was our questions both of us were trying our hardest to think of questions but no matter how hard we tried we couldn't come up with a good enough question. This, for me and my partner, is the hardest thing on the Literature Discussions. We resolved it when my partner was telling me that he read all of the chapters assigned and at the time I had not so I accidently  asked him a question about why something happened and why she decided to make her decision. With a little revision to what I said I ended up making a question.

While working alone I only thought that Charlotte was only a person that based how she thought of people by their actions but when I worked together with my partner he helped me see that Charlotte not only does things because of obedience. When she told on the crew I thought that it was out of obedience but my partner said that it could be out of fear when he said that I thought about how obedience is not the only trait that Charlotte has. Then I thought that about her seeing Zachariah get beaten and I started to think about her feelings. Now when I read the book I try to think about her human emotions instead of what the book originally described her as.  

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