Tuesday, January 11, 2011


     Two thousand and ten is over and now two thousand and eleven is here and I would like to share two things with you. First I would like to share my new year resolutions which were: stop saying that writing was hard and thinking I was bad at it, and be more confident when I talk to adults. Secondly I would like to tell you about a talent that I have, music.

      One of my new year resolutions was to stop saying that stuff was hard and then think that I was bad at it. For me this is a problem because I will be told to write a story or blog post in humanities. Writing for me is difficult so when ever I would write something at home I would always think that it was hard so it made it harder for me to write and wasted time. When I finally got the paper done and had to show it to other people I would always feel that what I wrote was not good and that I was just generally bad at writing. I didn't like that feeling so I made one of my new year resolutions was to stop thinking that writing was difficult and that I was bad at it.

      My other new year resolution was to be more confident when I talk to adults. This is a big problem for me because if I am not confident when I talk to adults people wont take me seriously. One time me and my friends wanted to go and break dance but the dance room was locked. Then I went to the person with the key and I was shy about asking for it so she didn't give the key to me and my friends so we had to go the next day. It really bugged me that I didn't get the key for my friends but it was my fault because when I talked to her I was talking really quietly to her and I talked really choppy so that didn't help. I hate that feeling of not getting taken seriously so I made it my new year resolution to be more confident when I talk to adults.

      Finally, I would like to tell you one of my best talents, music. When I was five years old my parents took me to my first piano lesson. Music wasn't that hard to me and my sister and I picked it up very quickly. By the time I was six and my sister was five we were already performing in concerts. I played a blues song and my sister did as well. I played so well that I could play the song faster that the metronome which was how it was supposed to be played. My teacher had to make me play the value of a half note (Two beats) in a single click from the metronome. I continued piano until I was eleven then stopped because we got to busy but I still played more instruments. Now I play the trumpet in band and can play a little on the guitar. My favorite thing to do in the car is listen to music and try to find the beat. If I cant find the beat I replay the song. As you can tell, I love music a lot. That is the one thing in my life I could not let go.

      That is a little about myself and my goals for two thousand eleven. I will defiantly try to accomplish those goals. Now that you think about it writing isn't so bad. I just did it now.

1 comment:

  1. It is a good post, very detailed, Victor. But you have to work on your grammar a bit, I spotted a couple of places where commas were missing.
