Thursday, January 13, 2011

Learning Profile Reflection

     Different people have different ways of learning. Some prefer to work in quiet spaces but some people need to have noise to work. Some prefer to think logically while others would rather think creatively.  Each person has strengths and weaknesses and I would like to share mine along with how I would prefer to learn.

     I learn best when people write things on the board or there is something for me see because if I just hear it then I may not really understand it but if I can see an example or steps then I will understand it better because I can see the steps and explain it to myself.

     I am not a perfect student, that I will admit. So I as a student can improve by not talking as much during class and staying on task because usually what happens is that I go to class and people talk to me so I respond and I start a conversation with the person so I don't end up getting enough time to do my work so I ends up as home work and that really annoys me.

     Strategies that I am going to try starting Monday are: avoiding conversations until I finish my work, telling the person talking to me to "Hey why don't we talk about this later after we finish our work.", and advising the people around me to work so that way they don't have the same problem I do and it helps me because if everyone is working there is no one to talk to so I would get my work done.

     Last I would like everyone to know something about me. My friends and I always try our hardest at every thing we do so if anyone says or thinks different then they're wrong. We give our all at everything despite if we like it or not. We don't give up.

     Those are some things that I would like you to know about my working habits. I hope that you learned a little about my personal character. I will defiantly work towards those goals that I have set for myself and I won't stop working towards it until I have accomplished it. Even when I accomplish my goal I will still try my best to keep repeating it.

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