Monday, January 24, 2011

City Connection Reflection

In class we did a project on a city we have lived in. The project contained information about; your cities history, Statistical information about the city, Environmental factors, Topography, Historical factors, Maps of the city, and our resources.

My project was on Houston and I think that the things I did well were; getting maps to show people where Houston was in the world, speaking clearly, not reading off the slides, and researching information on the slides. Even though I had all those good, I can improve on; picking the fonts for the writing on the slide and getting a good picture for the background. The font color that I chose for my writing was too bright or blended in with the background. Because of that I had to add a highlight to my writing and it didn't go to well with the background. So in the future I need to watch out for that.

Doing this project taught me that when you give a topic you need to add as much detail as you can but not to much to where it is boring. For example when some of the kids were presenting they wouldn't give enough detail about the topic that they were talking about so it would leave me with a lot of questions. Also I learned that if you are going to present you need to know every thing that you are talking about that way if people ask you questions then you will be able to answer them. Some of the kids in my class wrote something on their slides but didn't fully understand the topic so when the person was asked a question they couldn't respond.

From my friends presentation I learned that all towns are created because of something. People never just stay in a place and build a city unless the area has some resources that people need. Also, almost all cities start out little using trading but then when somebody trades to other places then people want to go to that city that way they can get some of the item that was traded then sell it starting a business.

To meet each requirement on the rubric I first looked at the rubric then went down the list and found as much information as I could on the topic. Then I would rephrase the writing for written information then put it on my Power Point. After I made sure that I had all of the basic information down, I went back and tried to put extra information in each topic.

Overall I think that my presentation went well. I was confident and I felt that I had done the highest quality job that I could have. If I could do that project again the only thing that I would change would be the color of my font.

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