Friday, February 11, 2011

I movie reflection Ramses II

In Humanities over the past few days we worked on making an I movie on one of the Egyptian pharaohs. My partner and I worked on the pharaoh Ramses the Second. In this blog post I am going to reflect on how well I think I did, what worked and didn't work, and the collaboration of the team.

Based on the rubric I think that me and my partner did a good job. Our content matched the rubrics demands we spoke with clear loud voices. What we could work on is stating our citations and putting in transitions. When we did our presentation our pictures didn't have transitions, only the main transitions did. I think that we need to put way more transitions in our presentation that way it looks more appealing. We also need work on citing our citations. When we were making our presentations we felt like we were being rushed and my partner and I felt a lot of pressure. After we finished the speaking and pictures we started to relax and release the stress that we had. We had forgot though about the citations. The next day when we checked on the presentation we found that there were no citations. We tried to hurry and use MLA to give us the correct citation but we ran out of time so we just listed the rest of the citations.
In the project we had a whole bunch of difficulties. Our first was with the research of Ramses II. We had three prompts that we had to answer in our I movie; What time period did the pharaoh live in? What were his contributions to Egypt? How did his monuments reflect on his religious beliefs? The first question was the easiest to answer. New kingdom. The second one was not so easy. Ramses really didn't make any great impact on Egypt. The only thing he really did was protect them from other countries so my partner and I decided that that was his contribution. For the third question we had a similar answer. Next we had technical problems. We recorded in Garage band so we couldn't export the recording to I movie. We thought that we would have to start all over again but then after I realized that it would take sound from I tunes I exported the recording to I tunes then to I movie.

If we got a grade for partner ship I would honestly say that we shared a 50-50 parter ship. Even though I think that I may have been to worried about letting my partner down and because of that I may have tried to do all of the work. So if we wouldn't have made those bonehead errors than our presentation could have been even better than it already was. The lesson learned from this; When you think you finished and you start to take a break look back at the work and fix you mistakes.

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