Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reflections On My Classmates I movie's

William and Cameron- Khufu

In Williams presentation I think that they explained the time period and time he ruled really well but I think that William and Cameron didn't make Khufu's accomplishments clear enough to the listener. They did a good job explaining his creations but they didn't explain why he built them. Their images where relevant to their speaking roles but camerons background noise only proved to be distracting and through off the whole presentation. So I think that overall their I movie was ok. If they just work a little on the other things they could make a better presentation in the future.

Dania and Johana- Refrotiti

In dania and Johana's presentation I think that their information was clear and they explained everything really well. There were no background noises so you could clearly hear their talking and their slides were explaining what they were saying. Over all I thought it was a great presentaiton.

Ayaka and Raisa- tutankaman

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