Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Giver- Would like the future to be controlled by other people?

In my opinion I have to say that I couldn't stand it if people tried to control my future. If we cant control our futures then I don't really see the point of living. What I mean by that is if you are being controlled then you wouldn't be able to make choices and that is what life is all about. Life is about choices. Life is about taking risks, making mistakes, and learning from you mistakes. If you are a controlled robot then you wont learn or get to take a risk. Think about it. Would you rather have the world be a perfect place, or would you rather there be risk taking, learning, mistakes, and choices. I think I would rather make choices and make mistakes because at least I would control my life.


  1. Victor, I think this blog post is pretty good but it could be longer. I think that it is good because you strongly express your feeling about being controlled. I think it shows you are a very free person. I like how you added questions so that people would think about what their feeling were towards this topic. one thing, would you really rather make mistakes than be controlled even a little bit?? Overall this is a very good blogpost but you repeated the same thing a few times.

  2. What parts of life do you control? What parts do you not control?
