Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Civil Rights

What are civil rights?

Civil rights are rights that we are entitled. They are rights that say we can not be discriminated against for any reason. Some of our rights are:

  • All humans are born free and equal,
  • All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law and,
  • Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

Why do you think some of the people of Germany thought that the abolation of civil rights was necessarily?

After the fire at a government building in Germany, Hitler immediately blamed the Communist and Social Democratic parties. He felt that this was the perfect opportunity to start tearing down the democracy in Germany and all those who opposed him. Now that Hitler was running the country, he passed two new laws. A law, “For the Defense of Nation and State” and a law “To Combat Treason against the German Nation and Treasonable Activities”. These laws basically abolished the public civil rights. What did the public do? Nothing, most thought it was a good idea. The German people thought it was a good idea because it would help to catch the "Terrorists" in the country and find any traitors in their nation. As a result, the government could tap private phone lines, read mail, search homes, and confiscate property.

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