Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Mysterious Major

When he said that when he crushed the boy he crushed something in himself, he meant that seeing the boy crushed made him feel bad. It probably made him feel guilty for doing such a thing to a boy. (He said, "Sit down you little Jack***!.") He basically destroyed the boys pride, and his courage and took control of him using a tactic of fear. For the rest of the year the boy never spoke again. This is basically what the Nazi's did except they did this to everyone. Crushed their hope and their pride and took control by fear because they wanted to completely dominate germany. If you spoke out against Hitler you were killed. If you told others about the concentration camps, you were killed.

1 comment:

  1. You have answered the required questions although you should put more detailed evidence to support your answers. You should explain more about the third question that you had to answer. Revision is what you need to do to improve your blog next time. Your first sentence should include a comma, and when you said "This is basically what the Nazi's did except they did this to everyone", you should change "everyone" into "Jews". Anyway, you have done a satisfying job. Remember, you need to do revision next time...
