Monday, February 27, 2012

In Memory to My Mother

In class we chose one of three poems written about the holocaust by Sonia Weitz. I chose the poem In my memory to my mother. This poem is about when the Nazi's took her mother away. She used a lot of synonyms and hidden messages. The poem starts with the lines;
Where is your grave? Where did you die? Why did you go away? Why did you leave Your little girl That rainy autumn day? This part is Sonia saying of all the people taken and killed, "Why was it you and not someone else? Why you?" This conveys her emotion of Confusion and sadness all at once. It's like when you don't do your homework and your teacher asks you for an answer, but the emotional intensity is multiplied by ten. The next part;
I still can hear
The words you spoke: "You tell the world, my child."
This part is her memory of her mother telling her to tell others about what is happening. To not let it be forgotten. This was courageous of her mother. She knew that she was going to die but she didn't want to die in vain so she told her daughter to tell others of her death. This was very brave. She died without fear. The next part;

I promised I would
Tell the world...
But where to find the words
To speak of
Innocence and love,
And tell how much it hurts...

About those faces
Weak and pale,
Those dizzy eyes around,
And countless lips
That whispered "help"
But never made a sound...

To tell about
The loss...the grief
The dread of death and cold,
Of wickedness
And misery...
O, No! can't be told.

This was probably the most emotional part of the poem. Personally It made me feel sympathetic and sad at the same time. She said, "I promised to tell the wold of the innocence...But where to find the words... And to tell how much it hurts." I know how this feels when someone hurts you or you get so mad that you don't know how to feel. You feel pain, loss, fear, hate, and suffer at the same time. It's unexplainable in such few words. That is what she was trying to say in the last three lines. No one could ever feel the way she did unless you experienced it first hand.

1 comment:

  1. Good annotations Victor. I am pleased that you explained each section and what it talks about. I think you should explain more about your personal connection to this poem although you said that you know how it feels when someone hurts you,etc. You have explained your feelings with good examples. You have some grammatical errors like capitalization errors, and others but other than that you have no problem with your blog. Good job.
